Lillyoki illustration.
Lillyoki is a forest deamon having goat eyes, two fleshly horns, and a fork tail. She is an original character created by CartoonistLewd. Page 1 in pink shirt with underwear. Page 2 nude.
The lewd nude cartoonist social art hub.
Lillyoki is a forest deamon having goat eyes, two fleshly horns, and a fork tail. She is an original character created by CartoonistLewd. Page 1 in pink shirt with underwear. Page 2 nude.
Pricilla Woventell is an original character illustration by CartoonistLewd. Page 1 with outfit. Page 2 nude.
Hazel Demonwoods in witching outfit is an original character illustration by CartoonistLewd. Go to page 2 for character in lewd outfit. Go to page for 3 nude with and without hat.
Talia Spritetal is an original character created by CartoonistLewd. She is inspired by magical creatures and the Sprite soda pop brand. She is green with golden energy hair and 4 energy tails. Page 1 shows her in an outfit. Page 2 shows her in nude form.
This is character art of Pixie Bluhot, an original super-heroine in supersuit and nude.
This is a depiction of Ankha sitting nude wearing nothing but mummy leg bandages, blue gloves, and a golden snake crown. Idea was taken from an internet meme based on a character from a game.